Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Mountain Kingdom

Join me on a photo journey through the landscapes of Corsica...A wonderful place for granite climbing and mountain running.

The ancient capital fortress of Corte

Thin wisps of cloud along a rock shelf

The path to the crag is paved with prickly pears...

Afternoon nap

Iles Rocheuses

The dancing granite spires of Campomoro

A true mountain kingdom: Monte Rotunda. What a place to be running.

The clouds came in...

And parted again...


Ian Charters said...

Another great set of photos, Rhiannon. Good mixture of B+W with colour - effective use of both that makes the characteristics of both all the more apparent. The tarn beyond the cairn and below the high ridge is particularly effective. Has this post been lurking somewhere? Have only just seen it on 9 Mar.

Rhiannon said...

Many thanks, Ian. They've been languishing for a goodly while, but I got the date wrong on the blog post..:)
A great place, though, Ian - loads of promising long distance trails... the GR20 beckons..